Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Residence

I really have no excuse and no guilt for my lack of blogging. Until I find a renewed energy or desire to blog about my thoughts, outrages, and/or daily adventures I will simply state my whereabouts. (I should mention, however, that I rather enjoy all the other blogs so keep up the good work!)

Summer 2011: New York City


mastermind said...

I am sufficiently jealous of your summer plans. Some of my most favorite summers were spent in NYC. Right by where you're living in fact.

While I applaud your shameless faux-return to blogging (appropriate), I would be even happier if you returned for real. And often. I'm sick. This might be the only thing that makes me happy.

Chris and Hay said...

Pretty sure you should feel some guilt. And pretty sure you should blog more. The world would be a better place.